Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Treatment

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What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental illness that can affect one’s ability to live a normal life. OCD is characterized by having obsessive thoughts and urges, and/or compulsive, often repetitive behaviors. Many OCD patients report feeling powerless against these intrusive thoughts and urges.

Common Symptoms of OCD

Obsessive Thoughts

Obsessions are defined by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIH) as repeated thoughts, urges or mental images that cause anxiety. Common obsessions include:

  • Fear of germs
  • Unwanted thoughts about sex, religion, politics, or harming yourself or others
  • Continual feelings of wanting things to be a certain way

If you have overwhelming or obtrusive thoughts that you feel are affecting your daily life, you might be suffering from obsessive thoughts. Psychiatric treatment can be incredibly helpful for individuals struggling with this and other related symptoms of mental illness.

Compulsive Behavior

Compulsions are urges to behave a certain way in response to obsessive thoughts. A few examples of compulsions are:

  • Excessive cleaning or hand washing
  • Ordering and arranging things in a precise way
  • Repeatedly checking on things like whether or not the door is locked
  • Compulsive counting

While habits at times can be confused with compulsive behaviors, compulsive behaviors frequently get in the way of individuals achieving other things and functioning in day-to-day life.

For some, this may simply be that they can’t stop feeling like they need to clean the kitchen until they do so, restricting their productivity in other areas until after the compulsion is satisfied. For others however, they may continue to have overwhelming urges to complete a certain task throughout the day, often causing them to repeat it and abandon other jobs.

What Are My Options for Treatment?

If you believe that you or a loved one may be suffering from OCD, a personalized treatment plan can make a huge difference. Conventional OCD treatments include medication, psychotherapy, and Exposure Response Prevention Therapy (ERP).

While medications are the most common treatment, many individuals experience mild to severe adverse side effects, resulting in a decreased quality of life. At Serenity we fervently believe everyone deserves the chance to live their best life, which is why we offer alternative treatment options groups like transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and ketamine therapy in addition to traditional medications.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) to treat OCD

TMS is a noninvasive treatment option for various forms of mental illness. It is currently FDA approved for both depression and OCD treatment, and has shown promising results in other areas as well.

When used as a treatment for OCD, TMS uses magnetic pulses to stimulate the parts of the brain associated with obsessive thoughts and compulsions, reducing or even eliminating OCD symptoms without the long list of side effects.

Ketamine IV Therapy

Ketamine, initially used as an anesthetic has shown promising results as a depression, anxiety, and PTSD treatment. Because often those struggling with anxiety are more prone to depressive and anxious symptoms, ketamine can offer significant relief to many individuals suffering with OCD, ultimately, by reducing depressive and anxiety related symptoms, allowing for greater success in treating the OCD itself.

Contact Us Today

If you struggle with OCD and you live in Utah, Colorado, or Arizona, contact us at Serenity Mental Health Centers to discuss your treatment options, or call 844-692-4100 to schedule your appointment.

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